Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Garden Tiger Moth

oil on panel, 6" x 8"

I love the colors in this one.  The Garden Tiger moth is found in northern climates, preferring cool weather.  I'm enjoying painting these little critters, but  am also feeling frustrated because I am in the process of moving house and don't have much time to spare.  I'm squeezing these guys in between marathons of moving-related tasks, which is a valuable exercise in itself.  I'm not complaining; I just wish I had time to really delve into it.  I feel I'm on the verge of a major change of some sort and just want to get on with it, whatever it is.  I'm feeling an urge, an itch, or something.  Could  be that moth on my arm!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Red River Blues

oil on canvasboard, 6" x 6"

I got the Red River Blues,
Headin' to a city
Where the sun is big and pretty.
Gonna change my life,
End the strife,
And paint in warmer hues!