Monday, October 22, 2018


oil on cradled panel, 20" x 16"

It's back to the birds with this painting of a roseate spoonbill wading in shallow waters.  I've been wanting to paint this bird for quite a while, a member of the ibis family commonly found along coastal regions of North and South America.  I just love that long spatulate bill!  And of course, the gorgeous colors of her (his?) feathers.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Kevin's Pond, Late September

oil on canvasboard, 6" x 8"

This is a quick palette knife sketch I did from a photo I took of a pond in Valle Escondido in late September.  The well-known plein air painter Kevin Macpherson painted this scene, which is on view from his living room window, hundreds of times.  It became the inspiration for his book, "Reflections on a Pond."  There is a lot to learn from a scene like this for painting purposes.  It is an ever-changing subject, full of challenges.  I find it particularly challenging to paint water with a palette knife.  Much easier with a brush, but my overriding focus for this study was in getting the value of the distant mountain range right.

Monday, October 8, 2018

San Luis Storefront with Salvia

oil on panel, 9" x 12"

This (mostly) palette knife painting is of a crumbling facade of an old storefront in San Luis, Colorado.  I loved the profusion of salvia, or Russian sage, obscuring all but one window of the storefront, and the cool shape of the facade made me want to paint this perspective.