Saturday, December 30, 2023


oil on canvas, 36" x 42"

This is a narrative painting that I actually started late last year and never quite finished.  It's been languishing in the time-out room for months now.  I did it for a laugh, especially for the guy in the mid-distance.  He cracks me up.  I was also going though a phase then, living vicariously through her, lol!  I hope to finish it before too long.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

You're Kidding, Right?

oil on panel, 8" x 10"

At the risk of anthropomorphizing my dog, here's a painting of her I did from a photo that seemed to capture her almost human-like stare.  Even though it came together very quickly, I may tweak this one with some details in the near future.  I love her little mouth in this one and the stray hairs over her right eye.

Monday, December 25, 2023

Feliz Navidad

oil on canvaspaper, 12" x 12"

A little Christmas composition.  Sending out some lights within the darkness...

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Tiger in Water

oil on canvaspaper, 12" x 12"

This study of a Royal Bengal tiger was just for fun.  I love the interplay of colors throughout.  Don't have time to do more ambitious pieces right now, just small works that don't take a lot of time to complete.  Temporary circumstances force me to curtail work on larger, more labor-intensive pieces and focus instead on simple studies and paintings that evoke a particular mood.  Update 12.25.2023:  I tweaked this painting a bit in places where I cut into the face with a few green shards to integrate the tiger with the water more and also hopefully emphasize the eye on the left a bit more.

Monday, December 4, 2023

El Prado

oil on panel, 8" x 8"

This study is a scene that became very familiar to me when I lived near Taos, New Mexico.  I needed to find safe areas to walk my little dog Lola and maybe let her enjoy some off-leash time, something she loves.  El Prado is a high-end neighborhood in the north section of Taos as you're heading toward Taos Ski Valley.  It is dotted with well-kept modern adobe homes, the only drawback for me being that there are no paved roads in that area; in fact, much of Taos is unpaved, a bit of a nightmare in winter.  That's why many of these nice homes are either unoccupied or rented out for the duration of what can sometimes be a brutal winter.  I lived there for only one year in 2018, but it was a heavy snowfall that winter and I found it to be a deal breaker, coming as I did from the California coast, where snowfall is unheard of.  Alas, even in El Prado, I found free-roaming dogs on occasion.  I always had to be vigilant for my dog's safety everywhere I went, which was psychically exhausting.  The views of Taos Mountain and the Ski Valley were always breathtaking, though, with the high desert carpeted in sagebrush.