Monday, October 21, 2019

Indian Summer Dusk, West of Petaluma

oil on panel, 8" x 16"

This painting of the hills of West Sonoma County near Petaluma was done from a photo I took in the early evening on my drive home from work recently.  I love the pink and orange hues in it, as I was trying to conveying the warm glow emanating from those velvety hills.  I never get tired of this view.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Ridgecrest View on a Sunny Afternoon

oil on cradled panel, 9" x 12"

This plein air piece was painted the other day along Ridgecrest Road in Marin County.  It is a spectacular road that wends its way along a ridge of undulating hills, with incredible views in all directions.  This is quintessential California to me.  It was a warm, sunny, windless day, perfect for painting at this spot, made even more perfect by the companionship of my dear friend and fellow artist Joyce Creswell, who painted alongside me.  There is truly something special about the practice of outdoor painting with friends.  The act of being fully present in the moment while painting with friends infuses the moment with deep meaning.  A memorable day.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Dairy Queen

oil on panel, 24" x 24"

Lordy, it took some labor to birth this baby!  She made it clear to me early on:  don't mess with my face.  So, I messed with just about every other part.  And I may not be done messing with her, poor thing.  Oh well, at least she's got a comfy chair to sit in.