Just a quick little palette knife study of a cloud system over a flat landscape. I like the role the gray plays in this one.
Just a quick little palette knife study of a cloud system over a flat landscape. I like the role the gray plays in this one.
Here's a quick little fish study, just trying to loosen up here and push some paint around. This was painted in my new (old) art studio on the property where I live. I'm excited to be in that bright space once again, having toughed it out the last 3+ years working under artificial light. Updated 9.28.2022: Made a few tweaks here and there.
Another bird study, this one of a wompoo fruit dove which is native to New Guinea and Australia. Such a beautiful red breast, I had to paint it!
Just having some fun here with a semi-abstract rendition of a short round green vase with pink and white flowers of an indeterminate genus.