Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Sunday, January 28, 2024

To and Fro

oil on canvas paper, 9" x 12"

This was an experiment (aren't they all?) with a palette knife, trying to keep it loose.  I wanted to create an after-the-rain atmosphere that I had liked in the reference photo.  

Monday, January 22, 2024

Banggai Cardinalfish

oil on panel, 6" x 6"

A little fish study of an endangered species found only around the Banggai Islands of Indonesia.  I love the opalescence of this little fish, which only reaches 3 inches end to end.

Monday, January 15, 2024

Morning Commute

oil on panel, 9" x 12"

This painting of my morning commute to work in San Francisco was done from a poor quality photo I took from my car with an old point-and-shoot camera.  I challenged myself to see if I could still produce a viable painting from it.  I'm happy with the overall composition, although it proved nearly impossible to get an accurate photo of the painting, since it was done on a smooth pre-gessoed panel that made the paint look slick and shiny. 

Thursday, January 11, 2024


oil on panel, 8" x 8"

The first pass at this painting was strictly palette knife, but then I went in with a brush the next day, before the paint had dried, and swiped some areas, to a beautiful effect, I thought.  I love this painting.  I'm amazed at its magic, especially when viewed live.  The black background was a combo of pthalo green and alizarin crimson, always an interesting black, and I think it sets off the intense blue violet of the iris to great effect.

Monday, January 8, 2024


oil on panel, 9" x 12"

This was an attempt to meld abstract and realist elements in a still life.  I was working from a bouquet of lilies on the kitchen table and didn't want to get too realistic but did want to suggest lilies.  More importantly, I wanted to convey their scent in pictorial form.  I'm already longing for spring.  Can you tell?

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Gary's Friend

oil on canvas paper, 12" x 12"

This is a quick portrait study from an image another student used in the portrait workshop from last October.  I thought she had an interesting face and her deep inward gaze pulled me in.  Had to try and paint that!