Saturday, March 1, 2025


oil on panel, 10" x 10"

This is a portrait of my friend Ron's beloved border collie, who passed away in December not long after my own Lola died.  Prodi was Ron's first border collie, to be followed by many more.  He loves the breed.  Prodi was special, though.  He had a fondness for fish and befriended a yellow one in Ron's koi pond named Smokey.  I've painted Smokey before and suggested him here but this painting is all about Ron's beautiful boy.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Poisson Ange

oil on panel, 10" x 10"

Another little fish painting to add to my series of little fish paintings.  What can I say, they're fun!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Here's Lookin' at You

oil on panel, 12" x 12"

Here's another painting of my little angel Lola, who passed away in early December last year.  I'm building up a series on her.  What an amazing little being she was.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Emerald City

oil on canvas, 12" x 36"

With all I've got going on right now, it's a miracle I've done any painting at all.  I might spend more time on this one later, but for now, I'm finished with it.  This is a scene I pass frequently on my way into San Francisco.  It's a view from the freeway looking east after passing through the bridge toll.  I love those curved streetlights.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Cornish Cows

oil on panel, 18" x 24"

This painting was a distraction that served a purpose. That's all I have to say about it.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Cerisehead with Black Bird

oil on canvasboard, 14" x 11"

I thought I was done with these bird girl portraits, but I guess not.  Here's another one that wanted to come through, so I went with it.  This will be included in the upcoming show, if it dries in time.

Monday, January 20, 2025

The Overpass

acrylic on canvas paper, 12" x 12"

This is an abstracted landscape sketch, an aerial view of a freeway I did way back in 2020 that I'm pulling out of the archives for possible inclusion in an upcoming exhibit in SF whose theme is Portraits of the City.  I thought it apropos to this theme, and on second viewing, I like it.  Sometimes, painting + time = pleasure.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Streetlights in Twilight

oil on canvas paper, 12" x 12"

Here's a little urban painting sketch that I did in November of 2022 that somehow slipped through the cracks.  Anyway, it is going to be part of this upcoming show of my work in mid-February, along with some other urban scenes, portraits and figurative pieces.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Metal Uke on Green Chair

oil on aluminum panel, 16" x 12"

This was actually the first painting I did upon returning to my current studio after a couple years' absence.  It is going to be included as one of the few, if not the sole still life in my first ever exhibit in mid-February in San Francisco.  More details about that to follow.  I sold my beloved uke to the owner of a music store in Taos, New Mexico in 2018.  I hope it found a good home.  I have no idea what fate met that green leather chair, which belonged to my partner Roy.  I loved that chair, so I hope it, too, found a good home.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Sunset Study

oil on panel, 12" x 12"

This is just a quick little cloud study over an estuary.  I'm in a flurry of activity finishing, varnishing and framing paintings for my first ever exhibit in mid-February.  I've been painting for 20 years and it's well past time I parted with a few of them.  Gonna try to squeeze in some more little ones as time permits.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

A New Leash on Life

oil on panel, 12" x 12"

This painting of Lola and her leash (her only leash, 17 1/2 years strong) was done alla prima, and things were going swimmingly until I noticed all these vertical scratch-like marks all over the panel.  To my shagrin, the thing had delaminated on me, the second time this has happened.  WTF!  Arghhh!  I signed it anyway.  I may do a bit of detail work yet on it, but overall, I'm happy with it.  I've chosen to regard those vertical marks as part of its charm.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Private Moment

oil on panel, 24" x 12"

This is a portrait of Chloe Misseldine, a principal dancer with American Ballet Theatre.  I was drawn in by the dramatic lighting of her tutu, plus the backlit areas of her upper body, and also the tired posture perhaps revealing the aftermath of strenuous dancing.

Sunday, December 15, 2024

Cloudy Landscape Study

oil on canvasboard, 8" x 8"

A palette knife landscape study of clouds.  It's been a hard week, having lost my fur baby of 17+ years a week ago last Friday.  She was my constant companion for nearly all of that time.  I've been grieving ever since.  Forced myself to work in the studio for a wee bit yesterday, when I did this study, and was able to work longer in there today on a new painting.  

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Stagnation Station of a Nation

oil on panel, 12" x 12"

This is a visual depiction of how I feel about the result of our preposterous election here in the U.S.  Over the next few years, nothing good is going to happen, no progress is going to be made, and no one is going anywhere, aside from the super rich with their oblivious adventurism, as they remain blissfully ignorant of the part they play in our country's downfall.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Brownhead with White Bird

oil on panel, 14" x 11"

I've done a number of female portraits featuring little birds.  Unlike the previous paintings which were all done on canvasboard, this one was done on a cradled panel.  It is my first attempt to elevate this subject matter.  Hopefully, more to come.

Saturday, November 23, 2024

Floral Abstract of 11-23-2024

oil on canvasboard, 8" x 8"

Here's another little abstracted floral painting done with a palette knife.  I like doing these freeform compositions in between more planned ones.  It loosens me up and sometimes gives me ideas.


Monday, November 18, 2024

Seated Nude

oil on panel, 20" x 20"

This is the more or less final version of a painting I've been working on that I've gotten guidance with from a great painter, Jacob Dhein.  I had seven sessions with it, each one clocking in at about two hours.  So, about 14 hours spent on this painting, which is more than I usually spend on any single painting.  I was trying to incorporate more abstract elements and I am happy with the result.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Letting Off Steam

oil on panel, 12" x 12"

This industrial urban scene intrigued me for its colors and overall composition.

Monday, October 28, 2024

At the Kasbah

oil on canvasboard, 8" x 8"

Just a little palette knife landscape study in between larger paintings that are conuming my attention lately.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Floral Abstract of 10-10-2024

oil on canvasboard, 8" x 8"

Here's another in my series of floral abstract studies done with a palette knife.  This one recalls for me a memory of seeing bougainvillea against a white stucco garden wall.

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Note to Self

acrylic on canvas, 24" x 24"

This abstract painting is no more, as I painted over it but took a photo beforehand.  Unfortunately, I failed to step away before lunging in again.  Often that's a mistake, and it was here, because I now see merit in what I had done.  Not that this would have been its final incarnation, but having fresh eyes definitely makes a difference.  Note to self:  if you're not entirely happy with what you've done, always step away before destroying the work.

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Absracted Landscape of 9-28-2024

oil on canvasboard, 8" x 10"

Just a quick little palette knife landscape study.  I took about an hour to bang this out, most of the time talking on the phone while painting, which isn't always a bad thing.  

Monday, September 16, 2024

Greenhead with Violet Bird

oil on canvasboard, 14" x 11"

This is the sixth quick-sketch palette knife portrait painting I've done pairing women with updo hairstyles and indeterminate little birds.  I've tried to set a time limit of 2 hours to complete them, but a few went over that limit.  I got halfway through this one then had to abandon it for days, which made it hard to complete the way I wanted to, working wet on wet.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Abstract of 9-11-2024

oil on canvasboard, 8" x 8"

Only had about an hour today to myself, so I snuck over to the studio and pushed some paint around.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Abstract of 9-8-2024

oil on canvasboard, 8" x 8"

Adding another to this series of abstract studies.  I see a pattern emerging.  These are good little exercises for me during times like this where I have so little time to get stuck into art-making.  I find it just too frustrating to start a larger piece and then have to abandon it for days at a time.  Much more satisfying to do something I can stick with from start to finish, or almost finish.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Abstract of 8-29-2024

oil on canvasboard, 8" x 8"

Yet another abstract here.  I'm painting and posting these little pieces while I tend to my dog's moment-to-moment needs as she enters the final phase of her life, which swallows up my time.  These freeform pieces are informative to me, though, as they follow a subconscious pattern.  And it's fun to just play with color with no thought given to outcome.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Floral Abstract of 8-17-2024

oil on canvasboard, 8" x 8"

This little freeform ditty was inspired by admiring a neighbor's garden this morning that contained multiple stalks of gorgeous Mexican sunflowers.  

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Wild Things

oil on panel, 20" x 20"

A flower painting which looks like the end of summer to me.  I'm already mourning the imminent loss.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Floral Abstract of 8-8-2024

oil on canvasboad, 8" x 10"

Another to add to my series of floral abstracts using palette knife and other tools but no brushes.